

The 'Non-crisis' Reality of Climate Change

March 18th 2021

A Washington Times article, argues that the rate the sea level rise is manageable and that several countries have been increasing their land areas. The city of Miami Beach is increasing its elevation via a cost-effective engineering project. Low-lying islands around the world are mostly growing in size despite sea-level   ▸

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UN Calls for Contraction and Convergence to Low Living Standards

March 11th 2021

On February 18, the UN Environmental Program published its first ever environmental synthesis report, with the expectedly scary title “Making Peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies” — not just a climate emergency, but three emergencies. In the forward to the report, UN   ▸

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The Risks of Communicating Extreme Climate Forecasts

March 7th 2021

A new paper examined 79 predictions of climate-caused apocalypse from the first Earth Day in 1970.  For decades climate researcher and activists used extreme forecasts to influence public perception and to call for action on climate change. Most forecasts predict extremely unlikely cataclysmic events resulting from climate change. None of   ▸

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State of the Polar Bear Report 2020

March 6th 2021

Dr. Susan Crockford has published her “State of the Polar Bear Report 2020”.  She wrote “celebrate the fabulous news that polar bears had yet another good year.” The Global Warming Policy Forum issued a press release about the report. The press release says “Crockford clarifies that the IUCN’s 2015 Red   ▸

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