

Japan Joins the Lemmings

May 18th 2021

Japan has just raised its 2030 emissions reduction target from 26% to 46% below 2013 levels. When the country's environment minister was asked how the new figure was arrived at, he said the number 46 appeared to him as a "silhouette" in a sort of vision. Willie Eschenbach uses this   ▸

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Finally, a Realistic Global Energy Review

May 14th 2021

JP Morgan's 11th annual energy paper has as its main focus: why is the fourth great energy transition (i.e., deep decarbonization) taking so long? The short answer is that many prior forecasts of the renewable transition were too ambitious since they ignored energy density, intermittency, and the complex realities of   ▸

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EU Admits That It Can't Go Net-Zero Without Natural Gas

May 11th 2021

The European Commission is proposing a regulation called the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act that "introduces clear performance criteria for determining which economic activities make a substantial contribution to the Green Deal objectives." In essence, this document spells out what's green and what isn't for businesses and investors wanting to   ▸

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