

Why the UK's Net Zero Won't Happen

May 19th 2021
In a 10-minute video interview, the Global Warming Policy Forum's Benny Peiser discusses the UK government's plan to install 600,000 heat pumps every year replacing gas boilers in homes, in order to decarbonize home heating. As well homeowners will be expected to turn thermostats down by 10°C. Dr. Peiser explained that homeowners won't want to spend £18,000 to install heat pumps to save £200/year. Another problem for the government's net-zero agenda is that people will realize that they are stuck with unsaleable houses because they don't have the net-zero rating. To make them saleable, the owners would have to spend £20,000 - £25,000 to (including insulation upgrades) get that rating. With the phasing out of coal and natural gas, electricity prices will continue to rise, and so will the cost of home heating. Eventually, the government will back down.

The government has already undertaken the easy parts of achieving net-zero by closing old power plants and moving a lot of production to China and other Asian countries, so Britain can claim it's emitting less CO2. Anything more, like the home retrofits, requires a dictatorship to enforce because people can't afford them and there's no benefit.

The US and Britain became wealthy societies on the back of cheap energy — coal, oil, and natural gas — and are now telling the rest of the world "you can't do what we've done over the past 200 years." The prime minister of Pakistan has said, unless the West coughs up $400 billion/year, COP26 will be a failure.

See interview

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