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January 6th 2024
Key Small Business Statistics 2022 Government of Canada
lsed-isde.canada.ca> Key Small Business Statistics
Nov 29, 2022 - Key Small Business Statistics 2022 From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada PDF version 6.69 MB, 42 pages Table of contents Foreword Definition
lsed-isde.canada.ca> Key Small Business Statistics
lsed-isde.canada.ca> Key Small Business Statistics
Dec 22, 2021- Key Small Business Statistics - 2021 From: Innovation, Science and Economic
2022 Canadian Business Statistics list: One Million, One Hundred and Ninety Thousand, small business in Canada Employing 67% of the private sector employees; contributing 48% of the Canada's GDP. Businesses are taxpayers. Business owners are taxpayers. And business employees are taxpayers.
In January and February 2022: 338 sitting Members of Parliament in Ottawa, watched a massive gathering of their taxpayer electorate population to protest this parliamentary control of our country.
The participants of this protest are all taxpayers of the federal government. Government Members of Parliament are elected by all taxpayers.
Our country appears to be under financial attack from the very government that we the taxpayers elect. GRASSROOTS ALBERTA CITIZENS INITIATIVE grassrootsalberta.ca and grassroots alberta.org
"Promoting the responsible and efficient use of tax dollar while carrying out an educational role with respect to wealth creation and responsible public policy."
Albertans: depending on your salary amount, a minimum of 20% of your pay is automatically deducted and that deducted amount, is then paid on your behalf to the Federal Government Treasury. The income tax deducted is calculated according to your income. So therefore, as your income increases, the income tax to income ratio increases up to a maximum of 48%. Bottom line here; a percentage of your earned income is being taken from you, to pay taxpayers elected Government Members of Parliament, to basically operate our country. Citizens are all taxpayers. Some taxpayers say, "I don't talk politics." All the while a minimum of 20% of their wage earnings is deducted from their earnings and paid on their behalf to the political government. The governments manage you; and decide your future; and control a part of your life. But taxpayers refuse to openly discuss their government, except in time of financial overburden to the taxpayers. The current and future activist actions are affecting our future to maintain our culture. Our federal government is an activist player. Our provincial legislature is under the effects of the Federal government strangulation. Well fellow taxpayers: we now have to talk about the politics. Because politics is talking about our future culture. Either we become engaged to decide our future. Or we remain silent, grumbling to ourselves. Silence is acceptance and is recognized as such.
Albertans: depending on your salary amount, a minimum of 20% of your pay is automatically deducted and that deducted amount, is then paid on your behalf to the Federal Government Treasury. The income tax deducted is calculated according to your income. So therefore, as your income increases, the income tax to income ratio increases up to a maximum of 48%. Bottom line here; a percentage of your earned income is being taken from you, to pay taxpayers elected Government Members of Parliament, to basically operate our country. Citizens are all taxpayers. Some taxpayers say, "I don't talk politics." All the while a minimum of 20% of their wage earnings is deducted from their earnings and paid on their behalf to the political government. The governments manage you; and decide your future; and control a part of your life. But taxpayers refuse to openly discuss their government, except in time of financial overburden to the taxpayers. The current and future activist actions are affecting our future to maintain our culture. Our federal government is an activist player. Our provincial legislature is under the effects of the Federal government strangulation. Well fellow taxpayers: we now have to talk about the politics. Because politics is talking about our future culture. Either we become engaged to decide our future. Or we remain silent, grumbling to ourselves. Silence is acceptance and is recognized as such.
Let's take a look at the current elected members of our federal Parliament that are guiding the future of our Canada. There are 338 elected members of parliament. The ruling majority Liberal party has 159 MP's. The combined opposition are: Conservative party 119 MP's. The Quebec Quo party 32 MP's. The Green party 2 MP's and 1 Independent MP. The NDP party have 25 MP's. So, in review, the Liberal party, having 159 elected MPs, are the decided voting majority of new Parliamentary legislation. The individual opposition parties do not have enough MPs to have an effect on new legislation decision making. But if one totals the members of the Conservative party and the Quebec Quo party and the Green Party and the Independent Member and the NDP party; there are 179 opposition members Parliamentary Legislation requires a 51% Member of Parliament majority vote of approval to be implemented into law.
The NDP has publicly pledged their full party support of Liberal party legislation. The NOP decision to support Liberal policy now raises the Liberals from a governing minority party to a majority coalition party with 184 voting members.
But in actuality only nine NDP MP's now hold the deciding vote decision. Or only nine MPs of the NDP party or nine of the Liberal party hold the decision vote on pending legislation. Party constitution dictates: all party members must vote with the party decision. The Trudeau Liberal Party has 159 voting members. The sitting opposition parties without the NDP have 151 seats. Our taxpayer elected party system appears to be so internally powerful, that the Federal elected MP's have to vote the party decision, and the party leaders decide the direction of the party vote. Has the taxpayer electorate had an opportunity to also decide the amalgamation of these parties on critical issues affecting the taxpayer welfare. The taxpayer electorate had voted in each Member of Parliament. When is true Parliamentary Democracy, by way of Members of Parliament being each allowed free voter based upon the opinion of their constituents considered?
In January and February 2022; 338 sitting MPs in Ottawa, watched a massive gathering of their taxpayer electorate population to protest this parliamentary control of our country. The participants of this protest are all taxpayers of the federal government. Government representatives are elected by taxpayers. The question needs to be asked. Was the truck convoy protest an aggressive exhibition of the voice of the taxpayer discontent to the 338 members of parliament? The major indicator was the number of participants. Another fact, was the financial support offered to the convoy. Another supporting fact was the visible percentage of the population assisting the convoy. Was this protest to be a realization of the taxpayer frustration with the socialistic attitude of our elected parliamentary representatives? For democracy to be effective; it must be more than a heavy-handed majority party. The combined Members of Parliament; have a responsibility to promote the responsible and efficient use of taxpayer dollars. And the responsibility to represent their constituents. A Parliamentary free vote policy might be the path to democracy. If these thoughts appeal to you the taxpayer; then maybe send an email to your Member of Parliament asking this question, and then during the next Federal election campaign, maybe ask the candidates in your constituency this question. After all this explaining. How can the facts be realized and passed on in a direction that a population would be willing to put forward in their own thoughts?
So, in closure. Should the Carbon Tax price, currently $65.00 per ton of Carbon, be questioned as to affordability to all taxpayers. Would Canadian Small Businesses, form am alliance to support a cost challenge of the Carbon Tax? I think this question should be broadcast to all Canadian Small Businesses. Would Small Business join a combined alliance; under one banner; by supporting the Canadian Taxpayers Association? Would also a large number of Facebook and websites, currently posting articles and news about Carbon Tax; also join a combined alliance under one banner; by also supporting The Canadian Taxpayer Association? The Facebook and Websites would still maintain their sites; but ask their membership and supporters to also support the Taxpayer Association. One combined, allied effort towards one objective, can only be achieved and recognized by Maximum Effort.
To engage the taxpayers of Canada, towards a financial cost challenge of the Federal Carbon Tax. Should not the Carbon Tax price of currently $65.00 per ton be questioned as to affordability to all taxpayers? This tax has financially burdened the taxpayer and business. Causing the cost of goods and services and necessities to increase uncontrollably. Resulting in taxpayer business and resource development to diminish.
The Federal Government implemented agenda of the carbon tax is to reduce and or diminish the use of so called "Fossil fuels" Meanwhile the world's countries in the Middle East and Asia and Russia are increasing their demand and production of so called "Fossil fuels".
The taxpayer population has been proven to be helpless against the will of the Federal Government. The taxpayer population grumbles and complains but is in silent acceptance saying, "there is nothing we can do"
Provincial governments have challenged the Carbon Tax, unsuccessfully·. There also have been public protests and petitions challenging the Carbon Tax. Intellectual and high profile business people have written letters and emails and media columns to bring forward an argumentative discussion ofthis tax. So now the realization "there is nothing we can do" is the result.
As of 2022 Canadian Business Statistics list: there are one Million, One Hundred and Ninety Thousand, small businesses in Canada. Small business is categorized as 1 to 99 employees. Employing 67% of the private sector employees; contributing to 48% of the Canada's GDP. Businesses are taxpayers. Business owners are taxpayers. Business employees are taxpayers.
This question that has to be asked. Would Canadian Small Businesses, form an alliance to support a cost challenge of the Carbon Tax? I think this question should be broadcast to all Canadian Small Businesses.
Would Small Business join a combined alliance; under one banner; by supporting the Canadian Taxpayers Association? Would also a large number of Facebook and Websites, currently posting articles and news about the Carbon Tax; also join a combined alliance under one banner, by also supporting The Canadian Taxpayer Association?
The Facebook and websites would still maintain their sites; but ask their membership and supporters to also support the Taxpayer Association. One combined, allied effort towards one objective, can only be achieved and recognized by maximum effort.
John Satink
Director Grassroots Alberta

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