

UK Softens Stance on Fossil Fuels ahead of COP28 Summit

December 1st 2023
The UK's Energy and Climate Minister, Graham Stuart, told MPs on November 8 that he was not fixated on whether countries agree to “phasing down" or "phasing out" fossil fuels so long as the COP agreement “translates into real action.” This marks a significant change in direction for the UK government and came two days after it announced plans to accelerate issuing of oil and gas drilling licenses in the North Sea and a rollback of interim net zero targets.

The distinction between "phasing down” and “phasing out” fossil fuels has become a key bone of contention between countries ahead of the COP28 talks. The EU has said that it will push for "phasing out" in it push for the final negotiated text and is in line with a G7 agreement this year, which pledged to "accelerate the phase-out of unabated fossil fuels."

Credits to Friends of Science, Ian Cameron

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