

Reality Check on Canada's Sustainable Jobs Plan

March 13th 2023
Our Friends of Science Odysee and Youtube channels have 567 videos. From our main website, select Library >> Videos. I highlight our video titled “Reality Check on Canada's Sustainable Jobs Plan: They are Stealing Your Future”. The federal government issued the Sustainable Jobs Plan on Feb. 23, 2023, an iteration of the proposed "Just Transition." In the plan, many millions and billions of dollars are proposed for spending on various 'green' and 'sustainable' jobs creation or promotion. This video explainer is a reality check on many of the claims made in the Sustainable Jobs plan, and those made by Clean Energy Canada, or other climate activist groups. The video shows that to develop EV batteries, critical minerals must be mined, and this requires vast quantities of oil, natural gas, and coal, contrary to the claims of climate activist groups. Likewise, these mining processes are extremely damaging to the environment, so this is not a clean or sustainable sector - despite the fact that mining is critically important to our modern society. The upshot is that Alberta (and other oil producing regions of Canada) have a bright future, if the government would 'just get out of the way' with its ever growing collection of onerous legislation on climate. There are no legally binding Paris Agreement commitments. The alleged climate emergency is based on improper use of an implausible scenario known as RCP 8.5 - therefore, there is no real climate emergency. Even the Parliamentary Budget Officer shows that climate change will have little impact on our future economy - certainly much less than the billions being spent or committed now! And the PBO shows that Canada's emissions are negligible in the global scheme, therefore our young people are being saddled with deficit spending debt, to finance 'green' dreams that are not sustainable and not realistic.

Photo Credit to Matthew Henry

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