

Increasing CO2 Has Led to 13% More Vegetation Over the Past 100 Years

May 21st 2021
A new German study by Merbach et al looks at the question of just how beneficial the added CO2 has been to plant growth globally. The study reported that the global vegetation cover increased approximately 11- 14%, of which 70% can be attributed to the increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Since 1982, the inventory of trees has increased by more than 7%. Food production is expected to surge due to the increased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. For example, soybeans, wheat, and rice yields are forecast to increase by 8.7%, 6.5% and 6.2% as CO2 concentrations increase from 410ppm (in 2019) to 550 ppm (expected in 2050), respectively.  From 1990 to 2015 in Germany, crop yields for wheat, barley, corn, and potatoes rose more than 30%, which the researchers attribute in part to the higher CO2 concentrations.

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